All Blog Posts (481)

MPs call for changes to localism bill

The Communities Committee has called on the government to amend the forthcoming localism bill.  Ministers say a simplified planning system is needed to boost growth and encourage sustainable development.  

The MPs highlight the default "yes" in the reforms that gives the go-ahead to development unless the adverse effects "significantly and demonstrably" outweigh the benefits.

"This carries the risk of the planning system being used to implement poorly planned,…


Added by James Diamond on December 21, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

Hackney Council to get rid of the green recycling boxes?

Hackney Council is conducting a trial of mixed recycling collections using orange bags in Cazenove Ward.  The bags replace the familiar green box, and the recycling is sorted at an MRF (Material Recycling Facility) rather than at the kerbside.  

We have concerns that the quality of the material will suffer and there will be more rejections, and we've written to the council's recycling officer to ask about our concerns.…


Added by James Diamond on December 2, 2011 at 17:30 — 5 Comments

Warming up Hackney for the Green Deal

Hackney is in danger of losing out under the "Green Deal" and we need to warm up our communities in preparation for next year's launch if we are to get our fair share of the funding available.

A presentation from ACE (Association for the Conservation of Energy) at the Greener Hackney event on 15th October outlined details of how the "Green Deal" is expected to work from 2012.

The "Green Deal" which is currently going through parliament will enable private firms to…


Added by James Diamond on October 26, 2011 at 10:30 — 3 Comments

Greener Hackney

The Greener Hackney event on 15th October was introduced by local MP Meg Hillier, cabinet member for sustainability Sophie Linden and Kathryn Johnson of Sustainable Hackney.  

Sophie Linden hopes that this will be the first of many such events, the beginning of a partnership with the council, and reiterated the council's political commitment to the Climate Change…


Added by James Diamond on October 25, 2011 at 9:00 — No Comments

Campaign -- Support the Biodiversity Action Plan! -- Deadline 24th October

Just a reminder to make sure you respond to the BAP consultation before 24 Oct. It's very important there is a big response. It takes about 60 secs to say 'yes we want a BAP'

Click here to complete…

Added by Russell Miller on September 30, 2011 at 15:30 — No Comments

Hackney Troubles – National Crisis – International Criminals

Hackney Troubles – National Crisis – International Criminals

There is a lot of confusion about why people across London and the UK should suddenly run amok looting and setting fire to things. Naturally there is a lot of reactionary garbage in the media desperately trying to portray it as mindless violence, calling for more State…


Added by Russell Miller on August 11, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Abney Park Nature Reserve Veteran Tree Project

Abney Park Nature Reserve

Veteran Tree Project

Abney Park Cemetery Nature Reserve

Abney Park Cemetery was a visionary, Victorian masterpiece. In 1840 a new non-denominational garden cemetery was created in Stoke Newington. It also been planted as a world class arboretum with 2,500…


Added by Russell Miller on June 21, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Thank ? For Rain 1 - but it's too late for 4,000 Hackney trees

Read it, weep and then read what you can do.

Since my complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman in January - about…


Added by Russell Miller on May 26, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Go Move Some Puddles – QUICK

 Whilst writing my HEN blogs I was noticing the rain coming and going outside my window. In particular I was thinking how the new oaks on Crossways could do with all the water that was busy running down the gutters towards the drains. Then, when I saw it brightening up, I decided to retry my puddle moving tree watering system. It's very simple. You just find a suitable receptacle – in this case my blue compost bin – locate a body of water close to a thirsty tree, then manually move…

Added by Russell Miller on May 26, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Goodbye to Mark, Dean and the Tree Gang

Thanks to a political decision to privatise Hackney's only remaining public tree gang, today one of the most experienced tree surgeon's in London leaves the council. Tree Gang Mark – even if I knew his surname I wouldn't print it in respect for the privacy of a quiet, unassuming family man, - leaves today after over 30 years caring for trees in North London (nearly 20 years in Hackney). That kind of experience and commitment is irreplaceable but Mark and his team have…


Added by Russell Miller on May 26, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Thank ? For Rain 2 - To whom do we give thanks?

To whom do we give thanks?

Where do we pay our respects to the life force that sustains us on this planet? We are so ignorant we do not even begin to have an answer to these most fundamental of questions.

Drowning in an ideology of ignorance in a post-thinking age, like it or not we are still totally dependant upon the benevolence of ancient forces we have forgotten to respect or even notice.

Returning to some form of sanity…


Added by Russell Miller on May 26, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Don't Miss the Dove Tree Flowers

The wonderful Dove Tree (Davidia involucrata) in Kynaston Gardens is in flower at the moment.  This tree is from China where it is endangered in the wild.

It has the most amazing flowers with big balls of anthers beneath huge white bracts. 

Each ball also has a small stigma hidden between the ball and the bract.  Presumably this is 'designed' for pollination by a Chinese insect, perhaps a bee.…


Added by Russell Miller on April 21, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Dayflying Longhorn moths

Adela reaumurella - male

These amazing looking little moths are part of a group of micro moths called longhorns (for obvious reasons).  They can currently be found flapping around trees and shrubs in Abney on warm days.

The larvae feed on dead oak leaves.

For a full list of species recorded in Hackney see the most recent list produced…


Added by Russell Miller on April 18, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Nice pair of tips

Apologies for the tabloidesque headline but these fellas are gorgeous.  Orange tip butterflies are just emerging and they look amazing when fresh like this male in Abney a couple of days ago.

The larvae feed on garlic mustard.  The adults emerge from April to May and are a sure sign spring is here.

Not content with stunning orange and white upper wings they also have…


Added by Russell Miller on April 13, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Mining Bees, Social or Solitary

I was in Abney yesterday and found a mining bee hole with it's little volcano entrance.  As I squatted and waited patiently for the bee to return for a photo an interesting sequence developed.

First a bee came along, appeared confused and went away again, possible because I'd interfered with the ivy above the nest and or there was a big lump of me that wasn't there…


Added by Russell Miller on April 12, 2011 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

Rare Weevil Discovered in Abney Veteran poplar

This little beauty is called Cossonus linearis and it only lives in rotting willows and poplars.  This means it needs old trees that have a lot of dead wood that is at just the right stage of decay.  The maggot like larva live in and eat the rotting wood.  The Abney Veteran Tree Project has been working to preserve Abney's most wildlife valuable…


Added by Russell Miller on March 28, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Giant Trees and Tiny Beasts

This amazing old ash tree in Abney is standing on one leg.  The whole of its north side has rotted away from beneath it, probably because a fire was set against it around 20 years ago.  The tree still stands only because it is sheltered from wind by Abney's woodland and because it has had its crown reduced to decrease its 'sail area'.

As part…


Added by Russell Miller on March 20, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Food Growers meet Scrutiny Councillors

Monday evening saw the final meeting (before spring elections) of the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission (an oversight body of the Council but lacking budgetary and policy decision making powers which are confined to Cabinet Members). Lack of political support for local food growing was indicated by the failure of Nargis Khan (Lab – cabinet member responsible for green space) to attend, as commented upon by chair Cllr Havey Odze (Con). Nevertheless local food growers were well…


Added by Russell Miller on March 18, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

Clissold HLF kills 200 Year Old Giant Elephants

Clissold HLF kills 200 Year Old Giant Elephants

These two iconic trees of Hackney will die as a result of Hackney's Anti Tree bias. The twin London Planes are known locally as the elephant feet. The reason is obvious when you look at their stubby butts and solid trunks. Tragically their…


Added by Russell Miller on February 18, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Orchard Insect Abundance

The plan to leave long grass around the new orchards is paying off for insects. Every time I weed in one of the orchards I discover lots of great creepy crawlies. Identifying them all is quite challenging but fortunately most are fairly common species and I'm even beginning to get my eye in a bit. Here's a selection from the recent orchard care day on South Millfields last weekend (16 Jan).

Hibernating …


Added by Russell Miller on January 21, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

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