Our work
- We support the Love the Lea campaign.
- We held a public meeting and responded to the council's Air Quality action plan.
- We developed a vision for cleaning up our air and water - the Greenprint
Greenprint for Hackney
A clean river Lea – prevent sewage, oil and other pollutants entering the river through regional programmes which address misconnections of foul waste to surface water drains and install sustainable urban drainage.
Comprehensive action is taken in areas of Hackney where foul and surface drains need to be separated under the Surface Water Management Plan.
Clean air for Hackney - reduce polluting traffic through improvements in public transport, car-sharing, walking, cycling and low-emission vehicles and reduce pollution from buildings by improving energy efficiency.
Sustainable Urban Drainage - prevent floods and pollution of the Lea and reduce air pollution by making rainwater harvesting, green roofs, swales, ponds and wetlands and other SUD schemes a priority in new developments and renovations in critical drainage areas and promote their use in other areas.
Protect biodiversity by filtering runoff through reedbeds and other
vegetation before it enters ponds.
We all do the right thing - raise awareness amongst residents and
businesses on how to reduce pollution. Planning Enforcement and Building Control pay close attention to pollution issues. Politicians demand more of motor manufacturers and incorporate World Health Organisation air quality thresholds into European legislation.
Menu - Air and Water Pollution
Air Quality in Hackney
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