Our work
- We provide support for existing local social justice campaigns.
- We are mapping local organisations and will disseminate though our website and social media.
- We are considering ways to build a network of support and practical action and create stronger links between organisations.
- We developed a vision for Social Justice in Hackney - the Greenprint
- Reduce poverty & inequality - Support social inclusion, regardless of age, gender, origin, ethnicity, disability, religion and sexual orientation. Support the defence of jobs, employment and trade union rights and resistance to casualization, precarious and zero hour contracts. Support campaigns for the London Living Wage. Support a just transition to greener and climate jobs. Oppose the loss of local employment from unaffordable rents and housing. Oppose the use of benefit sanctions, benefit cuts and cuts targeting minority groups.
- Housing for all - Support planning that serves the needs and aspirations of local people rather than investors and developers. Defend the right to secure housing and which meets social needs and affordable housing that equates to local wage levels. Oppose the reduction of council and social housing and the growth of the private rented sector. Support energy efficient standards in buildings, the use of renewable energy and reduction of fuel poverty.
- Education for all - Defend state education with local oversight and accountability from privatisation and corporate interests. Ensure accessible, inclusive, equitable and primary, secondary and tertiary education and support lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- Health & well-being for all - Support opposition to and reversal of NHS privatisation. Support healthy, affordable and sustainable food options for all. Support the reduction of all forms of pollution including that from transport. Support the development of cycle facilities. Support the expansion and improvement of pedestrian areas. Defend the integrity of and access to parks and open spaces.
- Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees - Opposing racism, xenophobia and all forms of scapegoating. Support national and local bodies campaigning for the rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in an era of growing intolerance and misinformation.
- Justice & Policing - Support equal access to institutions that are accountable and inclusive at every level. Support legal representation and justice for all. Support for an open transparent and accountable police service.
A useful paper for understanding the links between sustainability and social justice was produced by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) and authored by Anna Coote in 2014.
NEF working paper - A new social settlement for people and planet - Understanding the links between social justice and sustainability
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