Kathryn Johnson's Blog (35)

Where did Boris spend the regeneration money and on what 2008-2016? What next?

A useful report from Regeneris: Capital Spread: Mapping the GLA's regeneration spend 2008-2016. 

£142m was allocated through four major regeneration grant funds:  the Outer London Fund (OLF), the Mayor's Regeneration Fund (MRF), the High Streets Fund (HSF) and the London Regeneration Fund (LRF). 

Haringey and Croydon…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on August 22, 2016 at 14:13 — No Comments

Webinar: Mayor's Consultation on Air Pollution

Contribute to the ongoing public consultation by joining this event…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on July 15, 2016 at 20:56 — No Comments

UK is in breach of international human rights for regresive austerity policies

The UK is in breach of international human rights according to the UN. 

The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has expressed “serious concern” about the impact of regressive policies on the enjoyment of economic and social rights in a…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on July 5, 2016 at 11:42 — No Comments

Demand a community-led London Plan

Change in London has been overwhelmingly led by developers supported by politicans.  So much so that Londoners no longer feel our city is our own nor our home. Many can simply no longer afford to be here, threatening our families, communities and services.  Now that we have a new Mayor we need to get the message across that that needs to change and we as citizens need to be in the driving seat.  Just Space have produced a newspaper calling for ongoing effective community participation in the…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on June 23, 2016 at 10:13 — No Comments

Access to justice - the difference between law and justice

Mauritian lawyer, political activist and friend Jean Claude Bibi was interviewed by the l'express on this subject in 2012.  It's a clear statement of the difference between law and justice and demonstrates that the struggle for justice is indeed international. JCB is referring to the Mauritian system.  It should be remembered that legal aid has been cut savagely by the UK Government.  It would be good if someone could blog about…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on June 22, 2016 at 13:35 — No Comments

Where is London's economy?

Where is London's economy? - take a look at Mark Brearley's analysis of just how many of London job's are outside the central area and how important safeguarding employment space is.  There needs to be a balance between land…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on May 25, 2016 at 14:00 — No Comments

Hackney Council will NOT be introducing Public Space Protection Orders

Hackney Council statement 20 April 2016

Clarification: Hackney will not be introducing a 'rough sleeping' PSPO…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on April 28, 2016 at 16:01 — No Comments

Defend the NHS: Don't privatise/outsource NHS pathology services

Please sign this petition to keep our pathology lab at the Homerton.  Management committed to building a new pathology lab but the construction company have gone bust and left them with a hole in the ground.  Now our…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on April 17, 2016 at 18:18 — No Comments

Renters Rights

Renters Rights London does what it says on the tin.  There's good information on your rights and how to go about getting them, particulars on renting in each London borough and how you can organise for better controls over the private rented…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on April 1, 2016 at 18:01 — No Comments

Media billionaires against action on climate change

Free Press carried an excellent article on Occupy's occupation of the Mail's offices last year demanding accurate coverage of climate change and a switch to supporting renewable energy and other effective measures.  In just over a page Donnachadh McCarthy tells how the five right-wing billionaires who own most of our media have led the Tories "get rid of the green crap" campaign as well as continually misinforming the public on climate change.  He sets out the occupation's…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on January 25, 2016 at 16:39 — No Comments

Bishopsgate Goods Yard development

29/02/2016 Sustainable Hackney called on the Mayor of London to reject the Bishopsgate Goodsyard planning application and submitted the following comments:


This locality became desirable because centrally located yet financially accessible premises were available to creative and technically skilled Londoners allowing…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on November 14, 2015 at 21:00 — No Comments

Housing alone is not enough!

Housing alone is not enough!  We must protect space for infrastructure and land designated for employment.  Here's a really useful brief on the Thames wharves from Roy Tindle and Roger Manser of the Just Space economy group:

Roy writes: John Gummer prepared the legislative base for safeguarding Thames wharfs: this provided that the listed wharfs could not be released for development without Secretary of State approval. The Chancellor, earlier this year, devolved that responsibility to…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on September 30, 2015 at 10:13 — No Comments

Hackney Air Quality Action Plan consultation

Hackney Council has issued a draft Air Quality Action Plan 2014-2018 for consultation. Tell us what you think by adding your comments to this blog by 12th October and we will compile a response.  Of course, do respond directly too if you wish.  The closing date is the 24th October.  

You can find our local environment audit of air quality and …


Added by Kathryn Johnson on August 27, 2014 at 10:30 — 1 Comment

The John Carlos Story

As the 2012 London Olympics loom, this is a good time to remember John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s Black Power salute on the 1968 Olympic podium.  It sparked great controversy.

Their show of defiance remains one of the most iconic images of Olympic history. “A lot of the athletes thought that winning medals would supersede or protect them from racism. But even if you won the medal it ain’t going to save your momma. It ain’t going to save your sister or children,” says Carlos.



Added by Kathryn Johnson on July 25, 2012 at 1:43 — No Comments

Greener Hackney?

Sustainable Hackney was consulted on our views for the next Greener Hackney event.  This is what we said:

We think the best thing to concentrate on at the next greener Hackney event is the built environment and the governance issues associated with it.

There is considerable conflict over the extent, quality and direction and it would be useful to discuss this with the planning department and politicians.

The issues:

Higher rise in a low rise…


Added by Kathryn Johnson on March 26, 2012 at 16:30 — No Comments

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