Free Press carried an excellent article on Occupy's occupation of the Mail's offices last year demanding accurate coverage of climate change and a switch to supporting renewable energy and other effective measures. In just over a page Donnachadh McCarthy tells how the five right-wing billionaires who own most of our media have led the Tories "get rid of the green crap" campaign as well as continually misinforming the public on climate change. He sets out the occupation's six demands including support for an Energy Efficiency Bill and electric vehicles, the million green jobs by shifting to renewables and criminalisation of new fossil fuel exploration. Do take a few minutes to read the article. It's attached.
As well as joining Sustainable Hackney, I encourage you to join the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (who produce Free Press). They campaign for democratic control of our media, proper accountability and fair and accurate reporting. For many years they have campaigned against the "toxic concentration" of media ownership. Three companies control 70% of UK newspaper circulation. It is right that campaigns, whatever their key issue, keep that issue in focus. But perhaps more time needs to be spent coming together to tackle the nigh on impossibility of fair and accurate coverage of our issues in the face of the corporate onslaught.
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