As you may know, arguably the most important 'Conference of the Parties' [COP] 26  - the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference - was due to be held in Glasgow this year. Because of Covid 19 it has been postponed until November 2021.
In order not to lose momentum or the sense of urgency required and to grab opportunities for our youth to have their say, young activists have come together -
" from across the world united in our frustration at the speed of progress from our leaders".
They say they intend to;-
"fill the void of the postponed COP26 with a big, inclusive online Mock COP. The event will be run by young climate activists and we aim to get between 3 and 5 delegates from as many countries as we can, with a focus on the Global South. The two-week event will comprise empowering and informative keynotes and panels by global names and youth activists, followed by high-level opening statements by the youth delegates and facilitated workshops and regional caucuses. The discussions will be framed around five conference themes: climate justice; education; health and mental health; green jobs; carbon reduction targets. The event will culminate in a powerful conference statement to world leaders from the youth of the world, raising ambition for COP26. We will subsequently support and mentor delegates to engage their domestic politicians in the year to COP26."

Mock COP26 is being held from the 19th November 2020 to the 1st December 2020"

  • We would love to see Hackney Schools joining at least some of these important events/activities.
  • Encouraging their pupils to apply to be a UK delegate - (Deadline 1am GMT 17th October) It would be great to have a Hackney delegate! 
  • Preparing for the Mock COP by joining their school in the Climate Week 9th - 13th November 2020

Youth Climate Summit 9th - 13th November 2020

"Time is already running out to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. Unlike world leaders, young people are refusing to let it drop off their agenda.
Coordinated by charity Global Action Plan (as a part of their 'Transform Our World Programme') and a team of dedicated teachers, the Youth Climate Summit is a week-long virtual festival (9-13th November) of days of themed discussions and activities." 
Each day of the week is given over to a different theme with suggested lessons and activities for primary or secondary teachers.  Themes are -

Monday, Nature, Oceans & Water;   Tuesday, Travel, Pollution & Waste; Wednesday, Food, Farming & Forests;   Thursday, Fashion & Consumption;    Friday, A Sustainable Future.

It would be great if Hackney schools could give over the week to Climate Education (linking where they can to curriculum subjects), but if this is not possible, maybe year groups could take a day/theme each, they could give appropriate assembly or workshop presentations to the rest of the school or report back/create videos or displays on the different themes during the following weeks running up to COP 26.  
We know schools are under enormous pressure - not only from Covid 19 but from government and OFSTED pressure to provide a 'Recovery Curriculum' and 'Home Learning' but with a little 'creative thinking' these activities can be incorporated into their planning.
Whatever Hackney schools can give over to education on the Climate Emergency will not only -

  • broaden pupils knowledge, experience and capacity for 'critical' and 'futures' thinking and
  • equip them with the knowledge and skills to tackle/mitigate the Climate Crisis in the future but also
  • contribute to a programme of Education for Sustainability/Eco Schools in their particular school and help to work toward the Green Flag award.
"Let’s Go Zero brings together UK schools who want to be zero carbon, are reducing their own climate impact, and demanding greater UK government support to achieve this goal. The campaign will show national government that there is a substantial demand amongst teachers and pupils to become zero carbon, with the potential for schools to catalyse wider change in their communities."
We know how difficult it can be to find the time and motivation to reduce carbon emissions in all areas of school life, let alone to persuade SLTs, other staff and pupils to commit to reducing their carbon footprint both in school and outside. 
However, by signing up to 'Let's Go Zero', the school makes a commitment to, at least working toward/having an aspiration for, zero emissions by 2030.
Plans and interim targets can be written into the School Development Plan and conveyed to governors, parents and the wider community.
Every school who signs up to the strategy will be part of a community of schools working toward Net Zero by 2030 and will receive support and resources from Ashden (a UK-based climate solutions charity) in partnership with Global Action Plan,

  • As ever, if Hackney Schools would like any support on the above projects or with Sustainability/Eco Schools in your school, do contact us at any time on 
  • Join the NEU Climate Change Network on
  • At Sustainable Hackney, we have our online AGM on 28th October 2020 at 7pm. The theme is BUILD BACK BETTER in Hackney - we'd love school staff to join us with their ideas of how we can do this, especially in Hackney schools. Join the event here -
  • Last year Hackney Council declared a climate emergency and as part of that commitment are implementing two projects giving support to some Hackney Schools to become Eco Schools - more details next term. 

So Let's Support Hackney Council's Climate Emergency by Teaching and Learning about Sustainability during Climate Week, committing to a Zero Carbon School by 2030 and 'attending' (or even sending a Hackney delegate to) the Mock COP in November.     
                      This way we really could make Hackney a           

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