Hackney Homes is looking for help from residents to enhance biodiversity. Come up with ideas to improve your estate for animals and plants, identify areas of grassland that should be managed for biodiversity, identify trees that should be protected with tree preservation orders, and find areas that are suitable for nest and bat boxes.
Share your ideas for improvement with your neighbours and your tenants and residents association and also contact Hackney Homes’ Horticultural Manager: Veronika Kozlova on 020 8356 1934 or email: ees@hackneyhomes.org.uk
See Hackney Homes news Spring 2013.pdf for Hackney Homes' invitation to improve biodiversity on your estate.
Sustainable Hackney would also like to hear from estates interested in enhance biodiversity through negotiating with Hackney Homes to ban their use of pesticides on grass verges and pathways – especially where these are near to food growing spaces and children’s play areas. Click here to email Sustainable Hackney about this project.
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