We begin the new school year in the same state of political confusion in which we finished the last one, with Brexit still dragging endlessly on.   Were we to be cynical, we might feel either that some of our politicians are deliberately procrastinating or are happy to let the impasse continue, thus permitting the government the reason to avoid facing up to the biggest crisis of all – the Climate Emergency.

However, their Climate Complacency won’t last long.  Many actions and distractions are planned around this ‘Climate Half Term’. September is the month set for the biggest School Strike yet.  The week 20th to 27th September is Climate Action Week.

On Friday 20th September, from 12 noon in Westminster, the usual 'School Strike 4 Climate' student led strikes resume. This time, adults have been asked to strike in their support to increase pressure on our government, councils and schools to do more to tackle the climate emergency and to ‘tell the truth’ to pupils and citizens alike about the crisis we face.

Schools are encouraged to allow pupils to attend and even to allow some teachers to go and show their support.  (The NEU, locally and nationally, https://neu.org.uk/advice/climate-change-action supports the student strikes but check with you SLT or your union about staff positions.)

However, if striking or going to Westminster is not possible and/or to involve more staff and pupils, schools are being urged to show solidarity by holding a ‘Sustainability or Climate Emergency Day’; filling the day with pupil led activities such as a rally, or their own ‘United Nations Summit’ with speeches in the hall or playground, assemblies, workshops, discussions, power points and videos, writing letters to ministers, MPs or councillors, banner making and marches around the school, the local area or even to the Town Hall, wherethere will be atally and activities at 12 noon (supported by local trades unions).

Watch this video  https://www.facebook.com/350.org/videos/427395381195077/?utm_medium...


TONIGHT - SEPTEMBER 9th 6.30 - 8.30 pm  
Council Chamber, Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt St
London, NW1 1BD.       Build the Climate Strikes London wide meeting to prepare for 20th September.  (Apologies for late notice)

Monday 16th September 2019 6 - 8.30 pm Safe Routes to School  GLA, More London Riverside
London SE1 2AA  Hear how we can create streets and spaces that enable safe active travel for children and young people.      https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/safe-routes-to-school-tickets

September 18th 7- 9 pm September 18th, Meeting to respond to the Council's Emergency Declaration,
Rhodes Estate Community Hall,
 Kirkland Walk, E8.
Hackney Council has Declared a Climate Emergency – But what comes next??? Looking ahead, the Council is convening a Climate Emergency Citizens Assembly on Sunday 17 November. That's four months away. We need a plan now, and some things need doing right away... what is the future for Education for Sustainability in Hackney? Come with ideas and add to the discussion.

Sunday September 22 is World Car Free Day. Two days after the global climate strike. Here are the plans for London   https://londoncarfreeday.com/

September 23rd 5 – 6.30 pm – Hackney NEU meeting. At Urswick School, E5 8NA, the regular monthly union meeting will have a Climate Crisis focus and its teaching in Hackney schools

NB **September 26th  4.30- 6.30 pm - Support and Networking Meeting on Teaching Climate Change**.  Sustainable Hackney (Education for Sustainability Network) will hold the meeting, hosted by the headteacher of the ‘sustainably built’ Nightingale Primary School, E5 8NA, who along with Greenpeace, a young pupil and others will suggest justifications,strategies and resources for teaching EfS. 
Email sustainablehackneyefsnetwork@gmail.com to book your place.

October 12th    National Education Union (NEU) Climate Change Conference, Regent High SchoolChalton Street NW1 1RX. 10 – 5pm.  Student strikes have inspired a generation of new activists and pushed the climate emergency to the top of the political agenda.
This one day conference is aimed at workers and students from across the world of education to discuss, in plenaries and workshops, how we can work together to bring about the change we so desperately need. http://www.climate_emergency.eventbrite.co.uk/

Monday 21st October (Half Term)  Action around the campaign for teaching Climate Change.  Educators and families will demonstrate outside the Department for Education in London.    More details to come.

October 4th – 6th and through October  -  25 Years of the Fairtrade Mark – Join the Party!!
It’s a quarter of a century since the launch of the FAIRTRADE Mark in the UK.    We’ve seen an incredible shift in the attitudes of shoppers, citizens and businesses to where things come from, and the people who grow and make them since Cafédirect, Clipper and Green & Blacks launched the first three products carrying the Mark in 1994. 
Although there’s plenty to do to make trade fair, we won’t get there without taking a moment to reflect on the success and contributions of everyone who has helped make Fairtrade a national conversation, rooted in local action and relationships.  Join in the party with your school see:-
https://schools.fairtrade.org.uk/take-action/25-years-of-the-fairtr...  or for support in school email hackneyfairtrade@gmail.com and for local events see:-

For more details on all the above events see:- https://sustainablehackney.org.uk/events or email sustainablehackneyefsnetwork@gmail.com
Young Citizens/Go Givers Free Resource Pack  
Downloadable lesson plans and editable PowerPoints to help you 'cultivate positive nurture responsible, respectful, active citizens'. https://www.gogivers.org/free-stuff/free-lesson-pack-form/

  Download your free Family Walk to School Kit 


Sustainable Hackney Education for Sustainability Network is still available and keen to support schools with taking on school sustainability/The Eco Schools Programme and will come into your school to give INSET sessions, workshops with staff or pupils, assemblies or one to one advice sessions for coordinators. Contact us on sustainablehackneyefsnetwork@gmail.com or 07904 437677.

Let's make Hackney a Beacon Borough for Education for Sustainability/Eco Schools and give our children the truth about climate Change which they demand and deserve

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