Musketeering – join in the sanity
Another world is not only possible, it exists right now, right here. People helping each other and the planet with no need for pointless, disposable commodities; no fear to engender
deference to authority; no hatred to divide us on grounds of race, religion, sexuality or gender. Just doing what needs doing because the world is a better place for doing it. And sharing time with lovely people while you're about it.
TM Story so far this winter
Around 80 of us began the year with the usual New Year's Day tree walk around Abney Park Cemetery Nature Reserve. This year we took the south boundary ride to look at, amongst other things:
veteran black poplars (including 7 threatened by the proposed Wilmer Place Sainsbury's)
I discussed some of the wonderful rare species associated with Abney's veterans:
we looked at nest galleries inside rotten poplar trees that indicate the scarce Brown Tree Ant Lasius brunneus;
I also explained how the very rare bumble-bee mimic hoverfly Pocota personata may be nesting in the threatened poplars.
Click here for the Abney Veteran Tree map leaflet .
We also looked at exotic oaks planted to honor Abney's heritage as a world class arboretum, including;
Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor;
Willow oak Q. phellos;
Cork oak Q. suber;
Hungarian oak Q. fainetto;
and naturalised Lucombe oaks Q. x crenata (syn. Q. x hispanica).
Click here for more detailed information about AbneyTreesAndWoodland.pdf.
Many of the same people, plus another 120!, have helped Tree Musketeers:-
plant 175 trees in:
4 native hawthorn; 9 silver birch)
South Millfields (1 Apple, Norway maple, horse chestnut, Turkey oak, True Service)
North Marsh (30 native black poplars; 35 wild cherry; 75 oak)
Well Street Common (1 hornbean, Holm oak; 4 Scot's pine)
ALL THE TREES were grown locally at the Hackney Community Tree Nursery.
formatively prune 100 young trees at:
Abney Park
Hackney Downs
South Millfields
Stoke Newington Common
Well Street Common;
and prune 20 apple trees in the Hackney Downs orchard;
weed and mulch 100 trees planted by contractors on North Marsh
in Wick Woodland
coppice 20 hazel and willow stools;
build 70m of deadhedge;
thereby enhancing habitat for species like: hedgehogs, wood mice, bank voles, tawny owls, wrens, blackbirds, robbins as well as many invertebrates and fungi.
sold and given away 1300 Hackney Trees Calendars.
AND WE'VE NOT FINISHED YET! Why not join in?
Come and join the 200 people who have been Tree Musketeers this winter. Check out the events page for more information on upcoming events (fruit tree pruning, guided tree walks, woodland management).
None of this is possible without support and cooperation from others, who include:
LB Hackney Parks Department;
LBH Tree Officers;
BUT MOST OF ALL our 200 volunteers!
Downs Tree Planting photo by Rhowena MacCuish.
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