Taking long-term action on litter – make your voice heard

The government is running a consultation on extended producer responsibility for packaging. It includes responsibility for litter, and anyone may respond, including private individuals.

The principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR) is that the producer should pay the full costs of the waste they produce, and the purpose of the consultation is to find the best way of doing this. The previous system hasn’t been working well, and the new system will replace it.

The ‘producer’ is generally the brand owner, as they have the most influence on the packaging materials and design. The consultation covers ways to reduce packaging, to encourage reusable packaging, to encourage improved recyclability, to reduce littering and to decide who pays for the cost of litter.

The producers are likely to say that they should not take responsibility as they don’t litter, people do. But currently the Local Authority has to bear the cost, and that means everyone who pays council taxes, not just the people who buy the products.

Sustainable Hackney will be responding, and we encourage all everyone reading this to make their own responses. The more who respond to the consultation, both individuals and organisations or groups, the more representative and fairer the outcome is likely to be, so please do what you can.

The survey is open until 4 June at https://consult.defra.gov.uk/extended-producer-responsibility/exten...

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Comment by Clare Taylor on May 28, 2021 at 13:26

Our response to the section on litter payments:

72 Do you agree or disagree that the costs of litter management should be borne by the producers of commonly littered items based on their prevalence in the litter waste stream as determined by a composition analysis which is described in option 2?


In addition the scheme administrator should be required to bring forward an approach to option 3.

73 In addition to local authorities, which of the following duty bodies do you agree should also receive full net cost payments for managing littered packaging? Please select all that apply.

Other duty bodies, Litter authorities, Statutory undertakers, Publicly accessible private land, voluntary groups.

74 Do you agree or disagree that producers should contribute to the costs of litter prevention and management activities on other land?


75 Do you agree or disagree that local authority litter payments should be linked to improved data reporting?


76 Do you agree or disagree that payments should be linked to standards of local cleanliness over time?


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