We are creating an excellent local model but what future for global sustainability?
The SH AGM at Dalston's Eastern Curve Garden was another well attended, top networking event with over 50 people from all across the Hackney spectrum; from radicals to businesses, pressure groups to practical people who make things happen.
We kept the formal business brief to allow for informal talking and networking.
Key successes in the last year include:Follow links for the annual report, accounts, SH Chair's address.
Restart workshops where people learn to fix their own stuff;
Hackney Energy Network;
Tree Musketeers awards and continuing great work in Hackney green spaces;
our successful website with especially good progress in increasing membership
keeping up the pressure on LBH recycling;
lively events information.
We are doing really well and the network grows steadily everyday (over 600 networking on the SH website). How
ever, there remains and enormous gulf between this excellent demonstration of sustainable reality in miniature and the rampant capitalist destruction happening locally, nationally and globally.
Views: 108
Tags: The following tags will link your item to the relevant workstream: biodiversity, buildings, energy, economy, food, justice, pollution, transport, waste.
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