Dalston Energy Angels - the story so far

It’s been going great guns for the Dalston Energy Angels, over a hundred enquiries and around fifty surveys booked in. We’ve been so pleased with the level of local interest and have really enjoyed visiting people’s homes and giving advice on how they can make things more energy efficient. We’ve also had success with engaging local builders about how they can get involved with the Green Deal and hope to deliver a training session next week on the proper installation of insulation.


As we get towards the end of the project - it’s funded until 31 March - it’s time to open out the discussion to what we do with the energy generated so far. How do we keep the interest levels up in the run up to the Green Deal? When is the Green Deal likely to happen; will it be this year, next year, sometime? One of the main aims of the Local Energy Assessment Fund was to get local communities ready for the Green Deal, and the Dalston Energy Angels project aimed to create a network of potential suppliers and consumers for the Green Deal in Hackney.

It would be great to have a discussion at the Greener Hackney event on 12 May and see what other people think

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Comment by Diana Weir on June 1, 2012 at 12:49

Sorry I missed Greener Hackney: busy helping young entrepreneurs down at St Mary's Secret Garden that day.

I've another offer of potential material for your biomass boiler, when that comes online in the autumn: pallets used to deliver scooters etc to Scooterden and Motoden. George Dennison (the founder and working owner - hence the "den" bit of the business names) says he ends up having to chop up for waste those he can't get the suppliers to take back but you'd be welcome to collect and burn them more productively, instead.

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