Could we get a restart group going in Hackney?

Central to the Restart project is the idea of the "Restart Party" an event where members of the public bring along "broken electronics and sad kit to troubleshoot and fix".  The event is facilitated by a number of repairers who bring tools and expertise, and who facilitate people's learning to repair things for themselves.  Restart are holding two events at Arcola this month, a Restart party following a "how to" workshop.

Recently, Restart has been taking apart and repairing FM radios, coffee grinders, printers, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, hair driers, you name it! And if you have an annoying software problem, they can help you figure out what might be its cause!

Wouldn't it be great if this could become a regular event in Hackney?  What's needed?  A venue, an organiser, some repairers and people who want stuff fixed rather than throwing it away.  We should be able to get that together, no?

Get in touch if you are interested in hosting, organising or repairing, or go along on 14th September to get your stuff fixed!  Don't despair, repair!

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Comment by James Diamond on October 18, 2013 at 15:51

We've just confirmed our first #restarthackney event and we're really excited about it! Hope to see you there.

Comment by James Diamond on October 18, 2013 at 15:44

The Bring and Fix type event looks really interesting and has a lot of potential for community building and intergenerational learning and all that good stuff.  A Restart event could be part of it, let's see.

Comment by Diana Weir on September 19, 2013 at 11:20

Peckham already has a lower-tech Restart Project-type idea, sensibly organised by their version of Timebank so that the repairing helpers get credit for giving their time at the event (but also charging one timebank credit or a food bank contribution for admission, which is contrary to RP's free-entry ethos). The poster for their next event was produced by another of Saturday's delegates to RP's "how to" workshop. It looks like a more accessible model for those unused to fixing their broken stuff than the electronic repairing which overwhelmed the Restart Party at Arcola on Saturday - encouraged, no doubt, by RP's using Meetup under the name "Restart Electronics Repairers" - although including an offer of legal advice adds yet another insurance complication, unless appropriate volunteers work for local law centres etc and are covered by their professional indemnity insurance.

Comment by Dave Lukes on September 9, 2013 at 23:10

I'll be repairing on Saturday and at any subsequent Restart Parties in Hackney, time permitting.

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