Today People and Planet urge you all to use your vote next Thursday:
Next Friday, 9 June 2017, we will be waking up to a new government. Add your mark on what that government should look like. Vote on Thursday 8 June.
Since Theresa May called for a general election in April, an incredible 1.05 million young people have registered to vote. But, in past elections, this has failed to translate to a cross on the ballot box.
In May 2015, voter turnout was far lower for 18 – 24 years olds (43%) in comparison to the national turnout (66%), while 78% of those over 65 voted.
With anti-migrant sentiments on the rise, looming post-Brexit trade agreements that threaten human rights and weaken environmental obligations, arms sales to countries with repressive reputations, and time running out to take decisive action on climate change, it’s time to raise your voice and concerns about the future you want.
Engage your local candidates on the issues you care about.
Then, vote on 8 June.
Democracy goes beyond ballot boxes. Whatever happens on 9 June, we will continue our campaigns for local and global solidarity, workers’ rights and climate justice. Join us:
Vote, take a stand at the ballot box, and beyond.
Thanks, People and Planet
Views: 105
Tags: The following tags will link your item to the relevant workstream: biodiversity, buildings, energy, economy, food, justice, pollution, transport, waste.
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