There are 3 big opportunities for Hackney Energy to help develop solar power projects in the borough this year - the Rio Cinema, the Wilton Estate and Homerton Hospital. To pull off just one of these would be a great achievement, but progress on all three (and possibly others) is possible if we can pull in enough resources. A key question is, Can we rely on the council's support?
Please try to get to our next meeting: Tuesday 6 March, 7pm, at Wilton Estate Tenants and Residents Association community centre - located in the middle of the estate at the junction of Wilton way and Greenwood Road, E8.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Feedback from Solar Panel-making workshop on Wilton Estate, Saturday 3 March.
- Planning for Hackney Energy/Rio Solar project. Next step is a Community Engagement day on 17th March- please put date in your diary. The Rio has obtained verbal agreement in principle to support the scheme (about 15 kilowatts of solar panels) from Hackney Council Commercial Surveyors team.
- Wilton Estate community solar power project: as many will know, we have an informal agreement from the GLA for funding for a feasibility study. The stumbling block is still the lack of in-principle support from the council. How can we overcome this final hurdle?
- Homerton Hospital: a potentially big solar project: latest update at the meeting.
- Hackney Energy AGM 2018: date and venue to be decided.
- Any other business
Philip Pearson, Chair, Hackney Energy
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