Abney Orgies to Racist Government
Censorship, Propaganda and Political Branding
Manufacturing Your Consent
One of the main reasons why…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on November 23, 2014 at 16:00 — 2 Comments
Big orange tigers with black and white stripes flying around Hackney!
If you happen to have seen a large, bright orange 'butterfly' recently you have probably seen a Jersey Tiger moth. These day flying beauties have been popping up all over…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on August 8, 2014 at 19:00 — No Comments
We are creating an excellent local model but ....
The SH AGM was another well attended, top networking event with over 50 people from all across the Hackney spectrum. We are doing really well and the network grows steadily everyday (over 600 networking on the SH website).…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on August 4, 2014 at 21:00 — No Comments
Nick Perry of Stokey Local succeeded in persuading a High Court judge to grant leave for a judicial review (JR) of the Wilmer Place planning deicison. This is the second JR to be granted permission to proceed. It's complicated but there are two challenges (JRs) to two LBH planning decisions to allow Newmark Properties to build a Sainsbury's and block…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on May 23, 2014 at 18:30 — No Comments
Remember whoever you vote for the government always wins.
Which means what is misrepresented to us as 'democracy' is in reality nothing of the sort. Whether the control comes from Capital, corporate, State, Media or other institutional or private POWER,…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on May 18, 2014 at 9:00 — No Comments
I had a wonderful day pruning one of Hackney's orchards today. I find it hard to reconcile the beauty of these warm first days of spring, the peach blossom, the bird song, the emerging bees and the bursting hope of a new season, with the insanity and violence that secretly dominates our world. As the EU, USA and Russia play dangerous…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on March 8, 2014 at 23:30 — No Comments
Olympic Park - Land Grab for Unaffordable Housing
The London Legacy Deveolopment Corporation (the name is descriptive!) wants to steal 0.85ha of the Olympic legacy park to make money for private housing. Hackney lost 9 ha of green space to the olympics including very biodiverse sites like Arena Field and White Hart Field. After the £12bn party for the elite the LLDC was created to deliver a lasting legacy for…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on February 13, 2014 at 11:30 — No Comments
Rare reed beetle found at Stoke Newington East Reservoir
The Nationally Scarce reed beetle Demetrias imperialis. I found this little beauty when collecting reeds to make bee/bug hotels. At less than 6mm its easy to miss but the extensive reed baeds at the…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on February 4, 2014 at 17:30 — No Comments
A new year. It would be nice to start it with a message of hope. Alas that's not very easy in a country dominated by a secret state, rich crooks and coward politicians. To be fair to myself I did start the year with my usual hopeful NYD nature walk around Abney Nature Reserve. Remarkable nearly 40 people braved the cold, wind and rain to join me. It was surprisingly lovely.
But having foolishly glanced at Tweets on the …
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on January 2, 2014 at 12:30 — No Comments
Funny how that's not a question that was asked very often. Even though there are fewer and fewer people alive today who can actually remember the day US democracy was assassinated 50 years ago it seems to me an event worth remembering. If you are at all unsure about how or why JFK was murdered then it's not very hard to educate yourself. In fact it can be fairly entertaining since Oliver Stone's 1993 movie is based on a pretty good balance of fact…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on November 23, 2013 at 0:30 — No Comments
THere is now an online petition against Sainsbury's renewed attack on Abney Nature Reserve. Please sign it and pass it on to as many peope as possible. We CAN stop this madness but need a lot of signatures 5000+ to demonstrate public opposition.
For more information on the reasons for objecting see…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on July 2, 2013 at 14:30 — No Comments
Nemophora fasciella - UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species - Mabley Green Redgra
As if the assaults on Abney were not enough Hackney Council are engaged in a 'consultation' to develop Mabley Green. They want to build another full-size all weather football pitch (awp), in addition to the one built 2 years ago, and create a…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on June 21, 2013 at 23:30 — 1 Comment
To object on line now takes only seconds but every extra objection is a vote for Abney's wildlife.
The new planning application is almost identical to the last but they have moved back another 1m from Abney. This is far too little and all the…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on June 13, 2013 at 12:56 — No Comments
Added by Russell Miller on June 12, 2013 at 22:30 — No Comments
Yes it does, it had me fooled looking thorugh Bombus pictures to identify it. But those legs are a bit thin for a bee, the eyes too big and (no mistaking) the antennae are too short and stubby.
It's a hoverfly that mimics bumble bees. But it's so much better than most hoverfly bee mimics. It's also very rare. Last…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on June 11, 2013 at 19:00 — 2 Comments
Abney Biodiversity Defeats Sainsburys - Will They Appeal?
The formal decision of the planning sub-committee which rejected the Wilmer Place Sainsbury's has been published on the LBH website. As expected it…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on April 17, 2013 at 13:30 — 1 Comment
Added by Russell Miller on April 4, 2013 at 10:00 — 5 Comments
White Letter Hairstreak butterfly - UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species - sunning itself in Abney. Wilmer Place development will shade…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on March 21, 2013 at 13:00 — No Comments
The Wilmer Place Sainsbury's and residential development abutting Abney's eastern boundary is back before LBH…
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on March 14, 2013 at 13:30 — 3 Comments
A busy weekend of eco activity included woodland management on Saturday and tree planting on Sunday. Having finished planting 19 new trees on Hackney Downs in January
ContinueAdded by Russell Miller on February 5, 2013 at 11:00 — No Comments
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