Hackney Marsh User Group (HMUG) Notes of Meeting
25th July 2012, 18.30 at Tree Nursery & Edible Forest Garden
Present; Amy Erikson. Tim Evans, Annie Chipchase, Seema Patel, Pippa Hembury, Geoff, Jaro Jordan, David Rees
1 Separation of HMUG and Tree Nursery & Edible Forest Garden (TN&EFG)
It was agreed that
HMUG be re-launched to engage with all users of the Marsh, and TN&EFG to develop its activities as a group within HMUG.
A meeting to be held to re-launch HMUG, date Wednesday 19th September 2012, venue selected to attract new members. Lead item; public access to the Marsh; recent events restrictions, Hackney Council's Events Policy.
Other pan-Marsh issues (list not exhaustive)
Leyton Marsh basketball court – its removal
Thames Water site
Lee Water Quality and Floodplain Management
Involvement of Kingsmead and Clapton Park residents
The path across the Marsh
Activities to involve people such as Walks exploring flora, insects, birds etc.
Actions for re-launch
Meeting set up David
Leaflet & card designs Pippa by week ending 5th August
Poster design David based on P's design
Printing black & white by home printer or e.g. Argun Printer
2 Expenditure/Sources of Income
Core management functions not normally funded by grant. TN&EFG no longer aspire to pay for site management functions; income to be raised by a 10% to 20% uplift on training fees.
Heritage Lottery Fund are amenable to flora and fauna mapping but require a carefully detailed application; a survey based around all the parks can be achieved with quite modest resources. Parks Forum to be asked to commission HMUG to carry out Borough-wide flora & fauna survey
Action Amy, Tim
Other funding sources to be explored by:
Jaro - HCVS; Amy – Veolia; Tim - Awards for All
Communication and Publicity
All to use the new Sustainable Hackney website; register and join the HMUG and Tree Nursery groups.
Next Meeting
Wednesday 22nd August; venue to be agreed
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