Paid conservation traineeships for young people (16-25 yrs)

Keeping it Wild Traineeships paid training / skills development placements

About Keeping it Wild: 

Keeping it Wild is a new three-year project, funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, that will empower and inspire 600 young people aged 11-25, from backgrounds currently under-represented in natural heritage, to gain vital skills while discovering, conserving and sharing their experiences of the capital’s wild spaces.  Over the next three years the project will enable the Trust, and other partner organisations such as the John Muir Trust, to inspire more young people to care about, and protect, wildlife and wild spaces. Alongside John Muir Trust, LWT will be working closely with London Youth, and Headliners (UK).You can read more about the project here.

Traineeship opportunity:

The Keeping it Wild Traineeships offer a unique opportunity for young people aged between 16-25 to undertake a paid full-time, three month vocational traineeship based at a London Wildlife Trust Reserve, where you'll spend time learning from the London Wildlife Trust reserves team, gaining valuable practical skills in urban nature conservation, community engagement, media/journalism and communications. You’ll also have the chance to shape and influence how the Trust works with young people in the future. 


Keeping it Wild trainees will have the opportunity to gain the following accreditations:

  • OCN Level 2 accreditation in Media and Journalism, with a focus on film production about your local green spaces and LWT nature reserves;
  • John Muir Award – an environmental award scheme.

In addition trainees will develop a broad range of skills required in the conservation sector:

  • Practical conservation & reserve management
  • Surveying and monitoring
  • Community engagement and education
  • Work readiness, CV and job application training

Details here:

Closing date: Thursday 6th December 2018

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